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Solomon Ministries strives to impact the Kingdom of God by helping churches and ordained ministers of the gospel to continue the work of God by establishing retirement plans and providing faith-based financial resources that will sustain Pastors, Missionaries, Evangelists, and their Congregations throughout their lives.


To see the Kingdom of God grow by providing biblical based financial and long-term health care counseling. To see churches, establish retirement plans for their staff and ordained leaders. To see Ordained Ministers of the Gospel and church staff take advantage of the unique tax treatment that is theirs alone to benefit from, with a planned document. To guide congregations through retirement, healthcare, and legacy planning in a biblically responsible manner with the ultimate goal of supporting God's Kingdom.


Solomon Ministries is an independent Bible based ministry that was started to help meet the growing needs of ALL Christian believers. We provide free counsel and solutions to ensure that Pastors, Missionaries, Evangelists, and their congregations receive biblically based wisdom and guidance in finances.


Neither Solomon Ministries, its employees, officers nor its contractors work for any company. The only agenda we have is serving your needs the best way you envision them being met. We want you to know where we stand and why we make recommendations; this is why Solomon is and will remain an independent entity, beholden to no one but its clients.

  • 403(b) Retirement Plan

  • Retirement Housing Allowance Planning

  • Faith Based Investments (with active risk management)

  • Safe Retirement Accumulation Options

  • Tax-Free Retirement Income

  • State Long-Term Care Partnership Programs

  • Christian-Based Health Care Alternatives (ACA substitute)

  • Life, Disability, and Medicare Insurance Plans

  • Social Security Income Optimization Planning

  • Legacy Planning

  • Personalized Financial Planning

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Steve Sanders was saved at the age of 7 years-old in a fundamental Independent Baptist church. As a young boy his family went to Art Wilson's church, the Wichita Baptist Tabernacle, in Wichita, Kansas. His father answered the call of the Ministry and started an independent Baptist church in Wichita.


Steve preached his first sermon at the age of 18 years-old in Mexico City after answering the call of the ministry. He attended Bob Jones University and at the age of 20 was a full-time youth pastor in Hutchinson, Kansas. Eventually, Steve went to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to serve as the senior pastor of a Baptist church.


Years later...the pastor of the church where Steve attended as a child died at the age of 92. This pastor was still preaching and traveling around the country at 90 years old. Steve's brother saw this pastor preach in Phoenix, Arizona. His brother asked him, "why are you still traveling and preaching at 90?" The pastor said, "because the Independent Baptist do  not  have  a

retirement plan." This revelation inspired Steve to research this surprising issue. Steve discovered that pastors and missionaries all over the country have little or no retirement plan at an advanced age. These individuals are now living in next to poverty. Many pastors saying they thought they would die in the pulpit or that the Lord would come back...neither occurred and now they struggle to make ends meet.


After much planning and preparation, Steve started a ministry of "counseling and planning" for Baptist pastors, evangelists, missionaries, churches, and Christian schools to ensure everyone had access to financial and retirement planning. Steve now travels the country to teach, preach, and meet with churches, pastors, and mission boards to provide financial counseling and help them set-up retirement plans especially designed for the faithful.


Steve says, "Let us help you plan. Let us help give you counsel and guidance. Let us help you to set up a plan that will provide a lifetime of income. Solomon Ministries was started for such a time as this. We do not work for any person or company. We represent the Lord and charge nothing for our services."


Solomon Ministries is an independent Bible based ministry that was started to help meet the growing needs of ALL Christian believers. It provides free counsel and solutions to ensure that Pastors, Christian Leaders, and their congregations are ready for retirement and that their long-term health care needs are met.


(864) 275-6405


407 Wood Willow Point
Chapin, SC 29036


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